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Top 1% Invisalign Provider
Invisalign For The Same Price As Braces

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Top 1% Invisalign Provider Invisalign For The Same Price As Braces

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Top 1% Invisalign Provider
Invisalign For The Same Price As Braces

Invisalign® Provider in Reno, NV & Surrounding Areas Discusses Complex Invisalign Cases

Almost every day, I meet patients who have been told that they could not have Invisalign because their problem is too complex, so they must wear braces. I was the first certified Invisalign provider in Reno, NV and surrounding areas almost 20 years ago. Back then, I was not very confident in the early versions of Align Technology and used it for patients with mild to moderate crowding and little else. If a person had an open bite (the front teeth can’t bite through foods like pizza, sandwiches, etc), we did not believe it would be possible to close those teeth together with plastic aligners. Fast forward 10 years later, and we discovered that Invisalign treats open bites way better than braces–and the final result is more stable.

The Combination Effect

When it comes to severe bad bites like underbites (lower front teeth are out in front of the uppers) we use a combination of Invisalign and a Motion Appliance. This is a very new concept in Orthodontics that is called ”Fix the Bite First”. Dr. Luis Carriere, a brilliant Spanish orthodontist, is the inventor of the Motion Appliance and the pioneer of this new “bite first fixing” that we do. The hardest part of orthodontics is getting your bite right and doing that first cuts treatment time down significantly. Patients have been told that they need jaw surgery and I have treated them without surgery with Invisalign – and actually fixed their bite.

The Mandibular Advancement Feature

In November of 2018, Invisalign received FDA approval for their Mandibular Advancement feature that allows us to correct patients with very profound buck teeth by moving their lower jaw forward and their upper teeth back. I personally had some input in the design of this new feature. It mimics what we have been able to do with Herbst and MARA orthopedic appliances without the bulk and discomfort of those heavy metal devices. The Mandibular Advancement feature has been approved in Europe and Canada for the last four years and over 14,000 patients have been treated. Our results so far have exceeded my expectations. We are seeing our young patients blossom as their faces change and their airway is opened up so they can get more oxygen while they sleep.

See Our 5-Star-Rated Invisalign Provider in Reno, NV & Surrounding Areas

If you have been told by an orthodontist or your family dentist that your bite or crowding problem is too complex for Invisalign to correct, please call us or go online and schedule your free consultation with us. We will show you how results with Aligners can be as good or better than those that are achieved with braces, and you can have a life while you’re doing it with less discomfort and no food restrictions.

The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other orthodontic-related topics, feel free to contact D’Ascoli Orthodontics by clicking here or by calling 775-853-1919.

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